2024 Billinge Citizenship Award Winners

 Billinge Parish Council
Billinge Parish Council

More information about the Parish Councillors can be found on the Councillors page This includes their contact details so you can raise any issues, concerns, thoughts that you would like them to consider.

Parish Councillor Fiona Gill was appointed for a second year as Chair of the Parish Council and Parish Councillor Jeremy Barnes was appointed as Vice Chair at the meeting on 20 May 2024.

The meeting thanked the outgoing Vice Chair Parish Councillor Bill Bates for the work he had done over the past 12 months.

To understand more about what a Parish Council can and can't do please follow this link for detailed information.

Contact The Clerk to The Council

Hazel Broatch

Clerk to the Council and Responsible Financial Officer,

Billinge Chapel End Parish Council,

The Public Hall,

Main St., Billinge WN5 7PE

Tel: 07483 325 064 or use the contact form


The next Parish Council Meeting is on 15 July 2024 at 7.30pm in The Public Hall. Members of the public can attend and raise questions/suggestions for improvements etc in The Public Session. These will be taken away and reports brought back to the following Parish Council Meeting on 16 September 2024 at 7.30pm. The Agenda and any reports for this meeting will be available on the website.

The Parish Council is required to give Parishioners the opportunity to inspect the accounts for 2023/24 and to publish the Dates for Public Inspection Notice. Contact Hazel Broatch, The Clerk, to arrange to inspect the 2023/24 accounts by phoning 07483 325064 to agree a date and time.

Hold The Date - the Parish Council is organising a drop-in afternoon where residents can come into The Public Hall and raise any concerns, make suggestions etc on Saturday 27 July 2024 from 1430 - 1630.